A new review of the book was published in the May issue of The Numismatist, one of the most important American numismatic magazines.
Recent publication presents a comprehensive study of these classic coins.
Gold Ducats of the Netherlands, Volume One, Dariusz F. Jasek (ANA Library Catalog No. JF63.J1 2015).
This is the first book dedicated exclusively to this very long series of coins, which ran from the mid- 1500s to 1817. Though aware of earlier publications, Jasek wrote this book for himself. Starting from scratch, he built an entirely new database, in addition to consulting leading numismatists in the field.
The series is sorted into a mint/date sequence that is easily understood. The prices quoted are based on recent auctions; however, this book is more, than a mere catalog of populations and prices.
Jasek establishes the Netherlands’ gold ducat as an inheritor of much earlier traditions from Venice, Florence, Hungary and Spain. These coins were first struck to serve the Hanseatic League of Northern Europe in the late Middle Ages. They grew in number as a result of the creation of the Dutch East India Company in 1602. In every case, the coin was intended to be 3.515g (70 to the German “mark” of weight) and nominally 98.6-percent fine gold.
The text provides tables of medieval weights, statistical summaries of production, the coin’s purchasing power and an illustrated explanation of minting techniques. The latter and other pictures throughout the book were especially commissioned for this publication. Also included are lively discussions of the punishments for counterfeiting and debasement. (Volume II currently is in production.)
The 8 1/2 x 12-inch, 352-page hardbound text is available for approximately US$153. For more information, visit www.goldducats.com.
– Michael E. Marotta
[This text was published in the Numismatist – May 2016, page 95]