In the Oct. 19, 2015 issue, Coin World (without a doubt the biggest coin mag in the United States) published a brief article about the book. You may read the online version of the article here .
In MUNTkoerier 9/2015 you may find the full-page review of the book:
MUNTkoerier 9/2014, an article about Muntmanifestatie 2014 Coin Fair:
[TRANSLATION] “The famous Polish numismatist Dariusz Jasek, a participant in the fair, will give us a preview of his publication about the Dutch gold ducats of the centuries. He would be glad to be in touch with collectors of these coins, having special copies (in particular from before 1800) of gold ducats in their collections and willing to share their pictures for this publication.”
Source: MUNTkoerier 9/2014 (September), pg. 14